Where I create

This is my new "little corner" of our house where I create. As is....it's nothing special, but I see a lot of potential. I would looooove to one day have one of those fancy craft rooms. One that is neat and organized and everything matches. Ahhhhh one day! Right now we have way too many other projects to do to this house. While it is a new home to us, and only four years old, it still needs tons of work. There was nadda landscaping done and the back deck is...... pee -u -nee.

I'm painting these cute little bunnies for Easter. My dad made these years ago for me. His paint job was minimal and I always wanted to redo them. He has been gone since 1997 and each year since then I said I was going to repaint them but never did. I was going through my Easter decorations since we moved. I could not bare to get rid of these. So now I'm painting them and hopefully they will look ok to decorate with. We will see. Hummmmm.


  1. Adding finishing touches to these bunnies will make them both something your dad did and that you did, and even though there are years between when each of you worked on them, every year when you pull them out you'll think of your dad. So lovely!

  2. I can't wait to see how these will turn out!


  3. Yay! A creative space just for you! How fun! I know over time it will evolve into your dream space. Your stamp will be all over it. At least you are starting with fresh white walls and not something atrocious. How sweet that your dad made you some Easter bunnies and you still have them. The new paint job will make them so festive. Congratulations on the new home. I will keep you and your hubby in my prayers.
    Love and hugs,
