Altered Art Journal Letter N

A longing for things, persons, or situations that are not present.

I did not forget to do N in this journal. I only skipped ahead a bit. I'm very romantic and nostalgic. Who would have guessed????...right. I'm so obvious. Well anyway...I'm having fun working in this journal. I'll be sad when I'm finished. I started it last summer or maybe spring. At any rate it seems I've been working on it forever. With any luck I'll be finished with it by the end of the this year. I can only hope.


  1. Charlie, I love how you are taking your time with this journal. It may seem like you have been taking a long time to work your way through the alphabet, but you said yourself how much you are enjoying working on it and you will be sad when it is are putting thought and love into each page and that takes time so that you are enjoying the process of creating as much as you are enjoying looking at the finished product.

    Nostalgia was a great theme for N!!

  2. I am really enjoying seeing each step our your journal. I can't wait to see the next page :)

    Hope you have a good week Sweet Charlie.


  3. your art book is so pretty! No rushing this work of art, right?

    I like how you added music to your blog, very cool


  4. Nostalgia... ah, it bites everyone at some time, doesn't it? Great theme and what a great page... I have been working on two books now also for some time. I have yet to post anything from them. What the...???
    You inspire me and you help shore up any necessary bravery to keep on goin'.
    Your Friend in Athens.
