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"Time To Be Me"

Another Tote!

Easter Pendant

Here is what I've been working on lately! All these items are listed in my Etsy shop.

I'm having a blast! I love what I do!  It is so much fun to be able to walk into my studio art room in my pj's and play /uh I mean work all day on my craft. I am truly blessed!
I am almost finished with another Easter pendant which I hope to list today. It's so cute!
This weekend I have decided, weather permitting, to stain the concrete floor on my back porch.
We are having our home's exterior painted this week. Of course it was not as simple as that. There is a lot of rotting wood that needs to be replaced. Everything was pressure washed first so then we decided to have them wash the back porch, front sidewalk and driveway. It looks so nice and clean now. Since all my furniture is off and spread all over my yard, I have decided to stain the porch before everything is put back in its place. Unfortunately last night a huge hail storm came through. I hope nothing was damaged. It's always something. 
So wish me luck on the staining. I really have no idea what I'm doing. Pictures to come. Hopefully it wont turn into a disaster.


  1. I love you new pieces! The rabbit pendant is especially sweet. Good luck with staining your concrete, I want to do ours started to flake off last year...i guess that's what happens.

  2. awww... lovely lovely lovely!!!

    ooo... refurbishing! exciting times, exciting times indeed!!!

  3. I love your new items, Charlie! Your totes are so cute and unique!

    Isn't it nice to be able to do some outdoor projects? Good luck on your porch. We are not quite there weather-wise, the weather is still pretty fickle in March. But Spring seems to be off to a good start, at least we haven't had any March snow storms!

  4. I was just looking at your shop for a treasury I am *hoping* to get today. You have been busy my friend! Also, as much as I adore your bags and your work in general, I couldn't help thinking that your homage to Vermeer and Frida pieces would make FABULOUS bags!
    Have a great Friday!

  5. Charlie, I love "Time to be Me". How sweet! The textures are wonderful.
    Have a sunny Saturday.

  6. All lovely pieces! You'll have to post how the concrete staining went. I'm going to rip up the carpeting in my work room and stain or paint the concrete and see how it looks. Worse case I'll put some other flooring down later.
