Ready for Sunshine
What a beautiful day in south Texas. The rain and cold has finally moved out. The sun is out and the temperature is back to the way I like it. I'm inspired to go out and play with my new macro lens. Since I got it for Christmas I really have not had much chance to use it. I found pictures taken indoors are not very good. I don't like what happens when the flash pops up. I took a few shots with it and realized I need a lot of practice. It will be fun. I like to piddle in my yard. The cold has left a lot of my plants with freezer burn. As always, it's nothing new. Thats the way the landscape looks in mid January. But I thought how neat this lonely purple lantana bloom has survived the freeze. The lantana wont be there long because I'm going to trim it to the ground soon. We will probably have another freeze before the winter is up. I know winter is not over, but I'm already tired of it. The only good thing about cold weather is it makes me do inside art like scrapping and drawing. I'm grateful for this beautiful day so I can get the sunshine on my face. It makes me feel so much better. I don't even mind cleaning the bird poop off my sidewalk. I'm not sure why those birds have not left yet. It seems like its too cold for them to be roosting in my trees. I guess they like it here. Well anyway here is a shot taken with my new macro lens. I like the blur around the edges. I think it is called boka. I'm not sure how it's spelled. But the thing I'm having trouble with it is getting only the bloom in focus. I'll have to work on that.
Aren't macro lenses fun. I've played with mine and have come to the conclusion that they work best with a tripod. I took pictures freehand last year and am going to try it with the tripod when things bloom again. I like the lonely bit of lantana.