Things To Do If You Are Self Quarantined But Not Sick From The Coronavirus / Practicing Social Distance

I'm sure everyone has been affected by the coronavirus at this point in some way shape or form.
I'm upset because we were supposed to be on vacation this week. I spent hours Thursday rescheduling the event. Now I've decided to just stay home as much as possible. I'm not sick, my husband is not sick, but I'm going to limit myself from crowds and unnecessary trips to the grocery store or out to eat. You know that kind of stuff.  I don't even want to say I'm doing a self quarantine, because I'm not. I will go to the store when I need food. I did not panic buy, besides I was supposed to be away on vacation so I did not stock up on food.

I started thinking about what to do for the next two weeks assuming the virus will start to die down by then.
I actually think this will be good for everyone to stay home and sort of reset.
So here are a few ideas on what to do if you are self quarantined and not sick.

Take a walk around your neighborhood and take some pictures. It's spring and our bluebonnet season is in full bloom, so I bet there are spring flowers blooming in lots of places.  It's a good idea to stay active and get some exercise. 

Next idea is quite obvious....start spring cleaning, disinfecting, because I'm sure you bought a multi-pack of Clorox disinfecting wipes, so use them. Don't stop there. Wash pillows, blankets and items that have not been used in awhile. Start to declutter closets, drawers, go through your clothes and start a donation box, get rid of clothes that you have not worn in a year.
Clean out the laundry room, rearrange your pantry, vacuum under the fridge and under or behind the washer and dryer. Wipe down blinds, clean windows all those things you hate to do. Do them now!

Oh and here is something I will definitely be doing and that's polishing my grandma's silverware. I couldn't use mine the other day for a family get- together because they were all tarnished. I might even pull my husband in to help me with that chore.

If you have any hobbies that you have not done in awhile now is the time to get back into them. Of course hobbies that don't involve crowds, but things like reading a novel, scrapbooking, painting, sewing, cooking, gardening, learning something new.
Weed the flower bed or lawn. Get the kids involved in that. Give them a plot to work on....I'm sure they will love that. 

Meditate, learn if you don't know how. There are tons of meditation apps out there. I use Insight Timer. It's free. I love it.
Just get creative. I don't think we should panic.... stay busy, relax, write letters, talk to people on the phone, stay in touch with loved ones.
I know I feel better when I have a plan. 
Take care everyone.
Hugs and lots of love.

PS I hope you liked my bluebonnet photos. All taken with my iPhone. The first one is a live shot with the bounce effect.

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